Alphabet Letter Exchange News

Just a quick post today...

The Alphabet Letter Exchange is almost ready to go! This will be my 3rd year hosting it and I'm looking forward to it again. If you think you want to participate, you can check out a description of the project {HERE}. The project will run pretty much the same way as before.

Just after the 4th of July, I'll open another google form (like last year) so that you can fill in your info and sign up for the project here on my blog.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the past. Here's to another fun letter exchange!

 Also, I'm participating in a book study on 
with Heidi from Mrs. Samuelson's Swamp Frogs and a few other bloggers. I'll be back during the week with a post on Chapter 6 Phonemic Awareness.
Happy Sunday!


  1. Very excited about the alphabet exchange!! My class absolutely loved making our "J"hawks last year, and I can't wait to see what letter we'll be assigned this year! Hoping for a complete set this time around;) Thank you so much, Christy, for all the time and hard work you put into this. It was definitely the highlight of me year!!

    1. You're so welcome! Thanks for the kind words. I hope we all get complete alphabets this year too.

  2. Thank you for organizing this. I have loved participating each year.

    1. Thanks, Sylvia. I'm so glad you'll be back on board again this year! I hope you had a great school year.

  3. Yeah! My kinders loved it when we got MAIL! Thank you for organizing this. Can't wait to sign up! Leanne

    1. Thanks! I'm glad you'll be back this year!

  4. Your alphabet exchange looks fun:)
    I read that book and it's very good. And, I saw Debbie Diller just a few weeks ago at a conference here in Victoria. Such a sweet, funny, smart lady!

    1. Thanks! I hope my class doesn't mind doing the project again, since I have almost all the same kids.
      I'd love to see Debbie Diller speak sometime. That would be fabulous!

  5. So excited! My children and I loved participating in it! My former students come back to visit, they love check out our "new" alphabet. Always saying I remember when we did this. Such an enjoyable activity. Thanks for doing this, it's always a big hit.
    Can't wait to sign up!

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Joan. I'm so glad your kiddos enjoy the project- even your former students!


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