What a Day! and a Freebie, and Medallions

Oh my today was a challenge. I feel the need to talk about it whine a little. There's a freebie and some pictures a little further along. The kids in my class had so many troubles today. It began right away when we started our district math assessment and "R" began to pout. He refused to try (even though he ended up getting 16 right out of 20). So he sat off to the side and moaned and groaned the whole time. Aw, geez. After recess, "J" came to me shouting about "C" scratching him on the upper lip.
"C": We we're just playing vampire."
Me: "You still don't need to touch other people on the face."
"G" comes running crying "R" said he was going to tell on my and I wasn't doing anything."
(Okay, GUILTY!)
Me: "If you weren't doing anything, then don't worry about it."
After lunch, "G" again is crying and clutching his side like his ribs are broken and he says "C jumped on me when I was laying on the ground."
Me:" Why were you laying on ground letting him jump on you?"
"G": I wasn't letting him."
Me: Here's your note to go see the nurse. (Me thinking "What time is school over?")

After school I was talking to another first grade teacher who said her day was like that too. Then I come home and check my blog and it sounds like kids across the country were like this today. At least it's reassuring to know it wasn't just me. It actually makes me glad we have a Staff Development Day tomorrow. Things should be better Monday. Thanks for listening.

I took some pictures today of some Dr. Seuss projects and a math project we did recently.
I told the kids they were going to draw the Cat in the Hat and it was so cute- they looked at me like "Your crazy, lady." and looked at each other  like there was no way they could do that. Here's how they came out. The kids were so surprised that they could actually do it.

And if you haven't seen it, Amy Darley's Dr. Seuss Activity Set on TPT is great! My friend Rachel purchased it for me. Thanks, Rachel! And we made Amy's Thing 1 and Thing 2. Aren't they adorable?

And we did this math project to wrap up place value. The kids made their initials with tens and ones. I am pretty sure I saw it this summer on Hayley Bishop's blog Bishop's Blackboard. (If I'm wrong about that I apologize.) She has super math ideas. It was hard for some to count the tens and ones , but most did fine. They were excited to get to make their initials.

And last night I made this math game. Doubles plus 1 is in our math and I thought this would be fun practice. Maybe you can use it too. Just click on the picture to grab it.

After all the kids stuff today, we got our new reading curriculum after school. Well, it's not entirely new. It's called Medallions and is for use next year with all of the same Houghton Mifflin stories but with a new writing component. We go over it at the Staff Dev. Day tomorrow.

I can't believe we have to think about new curriculum already! How could it be? It seems like I just got these kids a couple months ago. They're so smart and most days they're really wonderful. Now it feels like they'll be leaving me soon. What will next year bring??????

On that note, have a great Friday and a nice weekend. I'm off to blogstalk some more. Thanks for listening. Hope you like the freebie.
 Chrissy


  1. Looks fun!

    I just nominated you for an award, stop by my blog to grab it!

    Kaleigh's Klassroom

  2. Your "Things" turned out so cute!
    Is Medallions only a change to the writing in HM?
    Dragonflies in First

    1. Thanks for the sweet comment. Writing was the biggest difference I noticed when I looked through HM yesterday. It does use the same anthology stories.I'll try to post after I find out more about Medallions tomorrow.


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